Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

So how much did you love the movie?! It's incredible how good the movies are considering how much book content they leave out. Luna Lovegood is possibly my most favorite character in the series, and Ivana Lynch got her spot on! Of course, all the other actors were marvelous as well. If you haven't seen it yet, rush to the theater and see it today! Better yet, go see it in IMAX and you get the last 20 minutes in 3D (which is really cool).

I went to see the IMAX version this weekend at The Henry Ford and they had 3 live owls to see while we were waiting in line. What incredible animals! They are beyond beautiful. It was so cool to see them up close. Did you know that owls can close one eye and sleep half their brain while the other half remains alert? Did you know they only eat meat? Did you know I want a pet owl now?

I'm probably not going to get one, but these owls were from the Leslie Science Center in Ann Arbor. I will definitely check it out in the near future. I think it's mostly for kids, but hey, I'm someone's kid! I think they said it's free.

Anyway, go see the movie. And rictusempra!

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