Thursday, July 26, 2007

Book Review: The Kite Runner

Last night I read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. It's well written and the story is good. This is his first novel but it reads like a book by veteran writer. However, it is a very grim story. Horrible things happen to the characters. I almost quit reading after the first 100 pages. I usually don't read books like this, but a friend loaned it to me and highly suggested I read it.

Again, it's good, but read this at your own risk. If you can stomach the first 100 pages stay with the whole book. But be warned that the atrocities aren't over until the book is over.

Overall, I would recommend this for the writing, but I hesitate to tell you to put it on your must-read list based on its content.

I think my next book is going to be The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon. It should be a little more fun than this last one. I'll let you know!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like how "Go Dog Go" parallel's my own life with it's plot twists.

Anonymous said...


For my book report, I read 'The Lion
The Witch and the Wardrobe'. It was
very very good. Have you read it Mr.

No, I can't say that I have.

(Lighting up)
Oh, good!
In 'The Lion, The Witch and the
Wardrobe', a bunch of, uh, hippies
walk around and paint stuff. They
eat lunch, and then they find a
magical... camel, which they have to
eat to stay alive. And that's pretty
much it, I give it a B minus.

Cartman smiles broadly.

And I give you an F, Eric. Now sit