Sunday, August 1, 2010

Eternal Kiss of Darkness, Salt, and Other Reviews

Eternal Kiss of Darkness, one of Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress World books, was good but I was expecting more. There was only the main story with Mencheres and Kira; there was nothing else was going on with any of the other characters. Vlad had a minor role in this book. He's one of my favorite characters in this series so it was great to see him, but again, nothing really happened with him outside of what was going on with Mencheres. It was a decent book and I'd still recommend it, but it's not as good as a Cat & Bones book. I'm looking forward to reading This Side of the Grave in February.

Salt turned out to be a better movie than I thought it would be. Yes, it was a somewhat typical Angelina Jolie action flick, but the plot more engaging than I anticipated. A few little twists were thrown in here and there which kept me interested. Also, Liev Schreiber just rocks. If you like action movies you should check this one out.
Ordinary Thunderstorms by William Boyd was an excellent book. It's a thriller about a man who is somewhat framed for a murder and how he lives under the radar while everyone is searching for him. There are many other levels working in the story as well, and I couldn't put it down. Stephen King put this book on his recommended summer reading list and so do I.

I also read Pride Mates by Jennifer Ashley and Bitten & Smitten by Michelle Rowen. They were both better than I thought they'd be. They both had more involved plots than I was anticipating, which always makes for a better book. The former is about shifters and the latter is about vampires. If you're interested in either I'd recommend them both.

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