Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pile O' Book Reviews

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher is the best fantasy novel I've read in a long time. Technically it's classified as Young Adult, but once the story got going I forgot it's supposedly aimed at teens because I got wrapped up in the engaging story. In a dystopian future, people have picked an idealized historic period to "live" instead of their actual time period. They also made an advanced prison called Incarceron where they locked in thousands of inmates and a hundred philosophers who are supposed to be living in a utopia. But the reality is much different. The story centers on a group of people who are trying to escape from the prison, but Incarceron is so much more than they ever thought it would be. Great story, good writing. Definitely pick this one up.

I also read The Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh which includes Angels' Blood, Angels' Judgment (a short story in the Must Love Hellhounds anthology), and Archangel's Kiss. This series centers more on angels but also has vampires. It's decently written and I'll definitely read more in this series.

The Red Rock Pass series by Moira Rogers was better than I thought it would be. I got the first book as Kindle freebie, Cry Sanctuary, then I proceeded to read the rest: Sanctuary Lost, Sanctuary's Price, and Sanctuary Unbound. This series centers around werewolves and the overall plot is how the good packs are trying to save others from the bad packs. Decent, but not a must read.

I also read The China Study by Colin Campbell et al. It's a comprehensive nutrition study that concludes that plant-based foods, specifically plant-based protein, is so good for you that it has been shown to fight cancer; and that animal-based protein actually causes cancer to grow. Stunning conclusion, actually. It's definitely food for thought (pun intended). I couldn't jump into a vegan diet, but it will help me make better food choices for myself.

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