Friday, July 11, 2008

Reviews for 1 1/2 Books

I just finished reading Two-Dollar Bill by Stuart Woods. Definitely a must-read. It's a quick-paced mystery full of many well fleshed-out characters that turn the pages for you. This novel follows Stone Barrington, a Manhattan cop-turned-lawyer, as his life gets turned around by a highly skilled con man. I guarantee you will enjoy the crisp writing and witty banter between the characters.

Before that, I was struggling through another mystery called Shattered by Dick Francis, who is clearly a stuffy, fussy old British guy. I tried to stay with it, but the writing was too tedious to keep reading. After almost a 100 pages I decided that I had enough of the background story to be able to read the conclusion, so I flipped to the back of the book to read the ending. I'm so glad I did. I saved myself a few hundred pages of reading and I still got the whole story without suffering through more of the writing than I had to.

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