Wednesday, November 19, 2008

All A-Twitter

So my brother's been hounding me for a while now to get on Twitter. I keep asking him what the point of it is and he never gives me an answer (because there is no point). The best I can get from him is that it's Web 2.0, whatever that means. So I created an account a couple days ago figuring that some meaning or purpose would eventually surface after I tried it out. Nope. I feel no need to post the minutiae of my day to no one in particular. Nor is it interesting in the least to follow other people who are equally as boring but try to hide it by posting lots of meaningless garbage. The only thing that could salvage this is if I could find some some smart alec who can make me laugh. But so far no dice.


Anonymous said...

you suck. go back to endor, you stupid wookie

Belles said...

Takes one to know one! Wookies don't live on Endor, Ewoks do. Wookies live on Kashyyk. Duh!