Saturday, December 5, 2009
Movie & Book Reviews

Sunday, November 22, 2009
New Moon Movie Review

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Movie & Book Reviews

Monday, November 9, 2009
Battle of the Blades - Week 6

On a side note, Katerina Witt was the guest judge and she's just a little weird. She kept making remarks about wanting to be in a threesome with the skaters. o.O Her comments were just a little odd. Maybe her thoughts didn't quite translate well from the German in her head to the English out of her mouth. However she was handing out 6.0's like they were going out of style. It's about time. For a few weeks I've been screaming six-point-oh! at the TV every time Craig Simpson and Jamie Sale skate and she gave them one.
For the Monday night skate off, Richer's partner had hurt her back and couldn't skate. The judges decided, and the skaters agreed, that all three pairs will remain in the competition and all will skate in next Sunday's competition. So Canada, make sure you watch and vote next week!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Book Reviews

This Is It - Movie Review

I loved some of the phrases he used while giving directions during rehearsals. In one scene he was trying to get the tempo right on The Way You Make Me Feel. He wanted the beginning slower and with a specific overall "tone" (for lack of a better word on my part). He told the keyboardist that he wanted the musical feeling of "just getting out of bed" - which, when you listened to it, was an accurate description of how it sounded. Then the keyboardist started adding more music too quickly, and Michael Jackson corrected him by telling him that he wanted the music to "simmer" for awhile before it kicked in.
I was enthralled with this whole movie. I want to see him perform this concert live. It's clear why the 50 shows he had scheduled sold out almost instantly. I wish we could turn back time and somehow prevent his untimely and UNNECESSARY death. It's clear that he was physically healthy and excited about performing these shows. I am both inspired and heartbroken. *sigh* Anyone who has even the slightest interest in Michael Jackson should go see this movie. You will not be disappointed.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Battle of the Blades - Week 5

Craig Simpson is the guy who is head and shoulders above the rest. He and Jamie Sale skated to the Austin Powers theme and they clearly had a lot of fun taking on the movie personas for this performance. He blew me away with a three waltz jump combo - and it was done in unison with Jamie. I look forward to watching them skate every week. The judges gave them 5.9s, but it was most obviously a 6.0 performance.
For Monday night's skate off, Domi really got turned around during the middle of his performance and then couldn't seem to get himself back together for the rest of his program. He ended up getting the boot.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Book and Movie Reviews

Battle of the Blades - Week 4

Craig Simpson and Jamie Sale TOTALLY BLEW ME AWAY! I was screaming 6.0! 6.0! at the TV. Craig is skating really, really well (in spite of a back injury), they both have a great feel for the music, AND he was the first guy to do an actual jump!! A waltz jump, if you've never done a jump in figure skates, can be difficult. The judges only gave them 5.9's. I thought Dick Button might cave and give them a 6.0 but he didn't. He's probably saving it for the last episode or two.
Claude Lemieux looked great too. I still predict Lemieux and Simpson in the final two. Tie Domi got stuck with some crappy slow song I've never heard before, but he skated pretty darn well to the music with his partner (even if he is still in hockey skates). Daneyko and Richer were OK, but not fantastic. I'm guessing these are the two that will be in the skate-off tonight. We shall see!
Daneyko and Domi were in the bottom two tonight. Domi skated very well. Daneyko did pretty good too, but not as good as Domi. Daneyko had a little bit of a flub on one of the lifts, but even discounting that his program didn't measure up to Domi's and he was booted off.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Battle of the Blades - Week 3

Ken Daneyko was a little klutzy and he dumped his partner on her butt. Ron Duguay and Barb Underhill were a bit lackluster in their performance. I'm guessing those are the two that will be in the skate off tomorrow night.
After tonight I'm predict that the final two skaters will be Craig Simpson and *cough gag choke* Claude Lemieux. They both are skating exceptionally well, and they don't look like clumsy lumbering hockey players. I'm seriously impressed with their skating. The only thing either of them lack is the training to do spins and jumps, otherwise you'd never guess that weren't trained figure skaters.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Battle of the Blades - Week 2

My favorite was Craig Simpson who skated an honest-to-God pairs program with his partner Jamie Sale. He even did a few spirals as well as some lifts. I think they had the best performance, but the judges liked Claude Lemieux and Shae-Lynn Bourne the best. But again, they all turned in really great performances. I'm so impressed.
We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see which two pairs get the least amount of votes before we find out who'll get booted off next. Based on tonight's performance I'd go with Glenn Anderson who tripped on his toe pick and fell, then tripped on his toe pick again getting up. Shortly after that there was a very shaky lift that had me yelling "oh $hi+" because I thought he was going to drop his partner, Isabelle Brasseur. In spite of these mistakes, it was still a pretty good performance. If he can turn in a stellar performance tomorrow night, the judges might save him.
As predicted, Glenn Anderson was in the bottom two, as well as Stephan Richer for the second week in a row (not quite sure why he keeps ending up in the bottom). Glenn skated much better in the elimination round. His lift toward the end of the program was solid, and led to a little bit of a different ending than what we saw on Sunday night (the correct ending, I'm assuming). But the judges voted him out.
The best part about this elimination round was Don Cherry calling out Dick Button for being excessively mean toward Glenn Anderson. Having followed figure skating for a couple decades, I'm used to Dick Button ripping apart the skaters. I don't think Don Cherry expected his harsh criticism since this show is just for fun and they're all skating for charity. It just goes to show you that the bitchiness of the figure skating world permeates everything it touches. Too bad.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Battle of the Blades - Week 1


Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Movie and Book Reviews

Monday, September 14, 2009
Movie Reviews: Inglourious Basterds, etc.

Monday, September 7, 2009
Gamer and Stranger in a Strange Land

Monday, August 31, 2009
District 9 movie and Dark Swan book series

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Book Reviews: The Hollows Series and the Fever series

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Julie & Julia

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Book Review: Night Huntress Series

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Movie and Book Reviews

Friday, June 26, 2009
Goodbye, Michael Jackson

I dragged my whole family (though it wasn't hard) to the Jackson's Victory concert at the Pontiac Silverdome when I was 13. It was my first concert so I couldn't say for sure, but I think that was the first concert tour that was a 'production' and not just a concert. I remember we were all dazzled the entire time. I got to see him moonwalk live while singing Billie Jean. What a memory to have! I still have my concert ticket.

I remember when the Black or White video premiered on MTV when I was college. It obviously was about race relations so I thought it was going to be slow and preachy, but it turned out to be one of the best pop songs he ever wrote. And how cool was the end of that video when all those people were morphing into each other?!

MJ: You are missed. Say 'hi' to Elvis for me.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Movie Reviews

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Movie & Book Reviews

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Movie Reviews

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Terminator Salvation

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Movie Reviews: Angels & Demons, etc.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Star Trek

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Dead and Gone

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Assassin's Quest

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009
State of Play, The Other Boleyn Girl, and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Friday, April 17, 2009
Royal Assassin

Monday, April 13, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Assassin's Apprentice

Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunshine Cleaning and Heavenly Creatures

Monday, March 30, 2009
Movie Reviews: Role Models, King Arthur, and Othello