I haven't posted in a while and I do have several reviews to post. I'll start with the movies. I went to see
I Love You Man, which was much funnier than I expected it to be. It was nice to see that his fiance wasn't a nagging you-know-what and was happy for him when he found a friend. I think it's out of the theaters now, but you haven't seen it make sure you rent it on DVD. I guarantee you'll laugh.
My good friend loaned me some of her horror movies and I managed to watch two

of them so far.
The Prophecy stars Christopher Walken (mister freaky looking himself) as a fallen angel and Viggo Mortensen as The Fallen Angel.
Hellraiser was just a smidge disappointing because there wasn't very much Pinhead in this first movie. I am told that the next few have more Pinhead and that if I watch them I will be rewarded (with a puzzle box). These two are both decent in an 80s horror flick kind of way. They're fun to watch if you're in the right mood.
Last and least for the movies in this post is 88 Minutes starring Al Pacino. I figured out the problem - Al can't act. He just just struts around stating his lines with extreme arrogance and no emotion whatsoever. It's quite a far fall from The Godfather. Do not watch this movie under any circumstance.

Now on to my latest book,
The Spymaster's Lady by Joanna Bourne. I found this book on the blog of Diana Gabaldon, the author the Outlander series which I adore. This was a fun romp following French and English spies during the reign of Napoleon. I classify this book in the same category as the Outlander series - action/adventure books for chicks (I say for chicks because there is a romantic element to the story, as you can probably tell from the cover). It was a fun and easy read that I definitely recommend. I have her follow up book in my book queue and will probably be blogging about it in the near future.
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