Ho-lee-KOW! Last week when they announced that everyone would be skating to Frank Sinatra music on their second week, I thought it was a dirty trick to play on all the hockey players who are still getting used to figure skates. But they all looked really great this week. All the men wore figure skates except for Tie Domi, who did great anyway. I was especially surprised at how well Mr. Clean look-alike Ken Daneyko did.
My favorite was Craig Simpson who skated an honest-to-God pairs program with his partner Jamie Sale. He even did a few spirals as well as some lifts. I think they had the best performance, but the judges liked Claude Lemieux and Shae-Lynn Bourne the best. But again, they all turned in really great performances. I'm so impressed.
We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see which two pairs get the least amount of votes before we find out who'll get booted off next. Based on tonight's performance I'd go with Glenn Anderson who tripped on his toe pick and fell, then tripped on his toe pick again getting up. Shortly after that there was a very shaky lift that had me yelling "oh $hi+" because I thought he was going to drop his partner, Isabelle Brasseur. In spite of these mistakes, it was still a pretty good performance. If he can turn in a stellar performance tomorrow night, the judges might save him.
As predicted, Glenn Anderson was in the bottom two, as well as Stephan Richer for the second week in a row (not quite sure why he keeps ending up in the bottom). Glenn skated much better in the elimination round. His lift toward the end of the program was solid, and led to a little bit of a different ending than what we saw on Sunday night (the correct ending, I'm assuming). But the judges voted him out.
The best part about this elimination round was Don Cherry calling out Dick Button for being excessively mean toward Glenn Anderson. Having followed figure skating for a couple decades, I'm used to Dick Button ripping apart the skaters. I don't think Don Cherry expected his harsh criticism since this show is just for fun and they're all skating for charity. It just goes to show you that the bitchiness of the figure skating world permeates everything it touches. Too bad.
My favorite was Craig Simpson who skated an honest-to-God pairs program with his partner Jamie Sale. He even did a few spirals as well as some lifts. I think they had the best performance, but the judges liked Claude Lemieux and Shae-Lynn Bourne the best. But again, they all turned in really great performances. I'm so impressed.
We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see which two pairs get the least amount of votes before we find out who'll get booted off next. Based on tonight's performance I'd go with Glenn Anderson who tripped on his toe pick and fell, then tripped on his toe pick again getting up. Shortly after that there was a very shaky lift that had me yelling "oh $hi+" because I thought he was going to drop his partner, Isabelle Brasseur. In spite of these mistakes, it was still a pretty good performance. If he can turn in a stellar performance tomorrow night, the judges might save him.
As predicted, Glenn Anderson was in the bottom two, as well as Stephan Richer for the second week in a row (not quite sure why he keeps ending up in the bottom). Glenn skated much better in the elimination round. His lift toward the end of the program was solid, and led to a little bit of a different ending than what we saw on Sunday night (the correct ending, I'm assuming). But the judges voted him out.
The best part about this elimination round was Don Cherry calling out Dick Button for being excessively mean toward Glenn Anderson. Having followed figure skating for a couple decades, I'm used to Dick Button ripping apart the skaters. I don't think Don Cherry expected his harsh criticism since this show is just for fun and they're all skating for charity. It just goes to show you that the bitchiness of the figure skating world permeates everything it touches. Too bad.
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