Monday, September 7, 2009

Gamer and Stranger in a Strange Land

It was a cloudy day here in Michigan so I went to see Gamer starring Gerard Butler. It takes place in the not-too-distant future where nanochips are implanted into the brain cells of convicts and are then controlled like a video game character by real people in a real life combat scenario. Ultimately it explores technology taken to far by greedy, obsessive humans. It's a decent movie if you're into action/sci-fi films, but if you're a chick-flick type movie goer don't see this one.
Also, at the urging of a friend of mine I read Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein...eventually...after setting a reading schedule and forcing myself to stick to it. My main problem is that it was written in the '60s for a '60s mentality. Had I read it then I probably would have loved it. But, with my modern sci-fi mentality, I struggled to make it through. It wasn't a bad book or a poorly written book, it was just very laborious for me to read. But I'm glad I did, though, because it's a sci-fi classic and I've always wanted to read it.

It's about a man from Mars who comes to live on Earth. I would have enjoyed it more if the book focused on the man from Mars. As it is, less than a third of the book is about him. The main portion of the book focuses on our human reactions to him, told primarily through a blow-hard named Jubal who talks just to hear himself talk. If I ran the universe, I would make a "good parts" version like they did for Princess Bride. But I don't, and therefore it's hard for me to recommend this to anyone else.

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