Any glimpse whatsoever at any of the books could only help Michael Gambon and his horribly inaccurate portrayal of Albus Dumbledore. If there was anyone who ever needed to consult the source material it's him. I don't understand what his problem is. He's a British actor so he obviously has tremendous talent. The books are neither too simple to be interesting nor too complex to follow. I can only conclude that he is lazy and belligerent and in it for the money since he clearly puts no thought whatsoever into the character he's portraying.
I'm not going to set any expectations of a better performance, but I will hope that Daniel Radcliff loaned him the book for a day or two peruse. We'll see in November.
1 comment:
Dumbledore? Why waste your time with him. Gandalf is where it's at. Do you think Dumbledore could kill a balrog? I don't think so!
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