Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Lot To Catch Up On

I haven't been posting, but I've been busy. Let's start with the poll results. 50% of you were looking forward to the Indiana Jones movie, 35% the next Harry Potter movie, and 15% the next Batman movie.

Let's move to books next. I can now say I've read all of Jasper Fforde's book since I finished reading The Fourth Bear, part of his nursery crime series. I loved it, of course (see reviews of all his other books in my previous posts). The twisty-turny plot had me guessing how he was going to pull together an ending that involved Goldilocks, the Three Bears, giant cucumbers, seemingly random devastating explosions, and the Gingerbread Man. (Ever wondered whether he was a cake or a cookie? Read this book to find out why it's so important.) Like everything else he wrote, this is funny, witty, and spellbinding. I recommend you put all of his books on your reading list.

I also read a book called Lamb by Christopher Moore, a smart-ass of the first water. Lamb is the Gospel of Biff, Jesus' best friend. Mr. Moore weaves a funny and creative tale as he attempts to fill in the blanks of the first thirty years of Jesus' life. Put this on your list of books to read, too.

I just finished reading a chick-lit book called Shoe Addicts Anonymous by Beth Harbison. This isn't really my genre. It was a cute little no-brainer read. If you're looking for something fun that doesn't involve any thinking pick this one up.

Now on to movies. I have to start with my favorite movie so far this year, Young @ Heart. This incredible documentary follows a choir full of senior citizens for a few months as they learn contemporary songs (well, more contemporary that their generation) in preparation for a concert. The movie opened with one of the women performing Should I Stay Or Should I Go by the Clash. It was great! I laughed, I cried, and I was, most importantly, inspired by the zest for life these people have. I saw it at a local theater that tends to show independent films, so you may have to hunt for this one. It is worth it. I have six words for you: must see must see must see. If you're not convinced, search on You Tube for a few downloads from the movie. They made videos for a couple songs in the movie and, of course, someone put them on You Tube. But the movie is so much more than these videos.

I also rented Untraceable and Michael Clayton. The first one was decent. Rent it if want a scary movie on tracking down a serial killer. The second was very good, but make sure you're in the mood for a serious movie.

The last movie I have to report in on is Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It's definitely worth seeing - who doesn't want to see Indy in action again - but I can't help but be disappointed. It's been 15 years and this is the best script Spielberg and Lucas could come up with in all that time?! If you want to read an overly-verbose review of the movie rife with spoilers on just about every plot point, check out my other blog I have with my friend. There's a link on the left side of this page to J and K at the Movies.

That's all for now. Don't forget to vote in my new poll!

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