Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Few Updates: Books, Movies, TV

I'm continuing to read my way through Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series. I've read The Well of Lost Plots and Something Rotten, and I'm currently in the middle of The First Among Sequels, which is his last book (so far) for Thursday Next. Please see my previous post for my comments on how great these books are. Once I finish this book, I plan to start on his nursery tale crime series for which has only written two books to date. I'll definitely post a write-up on those two.

I recently re-watched Juno. If you haven't seen it yet, put it at the top of your list. It's very funny and touching. Diablo Cody won an Oscar for writing this touching tale about a pregnant teenager. I know - it sounds like an after-school special but I guarantee that you will enjoy watching it.

I also watched No Reservations with Catherine Zeta-Jones-Douglas. I thought it was supposed to be a romantic comedy, but the romance was low and the comedy almost non-existent. It was like a Lifetime movie, but with good actors. Needless to say, I didn't enjoy this and don't recommend it.

A while back I went to see There Will Be Blood with Daniel Day-Lewis. I loved this movie. He is such a great actor and earned a well-deserved Oscar for his performance. Be forewarned that this is not a happy, feel good movie. It's a character study of a sociopath. It's based on a book called Oil! by Upton Sinclair. I don't think I'd enjoy reading his books, but this movie was fascinating.

If you don't already, watch Lost on ABC. What a fabulous show! I admit that the third season meandered a little too much, but this fourth season is pure dynamite. My two favorite characters are Benjamin Linus and Sayid. Ben started out in season two as "the bad guy," but as we progress, it's becoming clearer that he is the best multi-dimensional character ever written for a TV show. He does bad things, but we are starting to understand that he has a purpose for all of his decisions, and he's trying to do good for Jacob/the island. (If you haven't seen it I can't begin to describe Jacob.) And Sayid is just cool. If you were really stuck on an island, you'd definitely want him on your side. He is a former member of the Iraqi National Guard and his title was Communications Officer - meaning that we was good at torturing people to get them to communicate the information he needed. But he is also a very complex character. Any time there's a Sayid-centric show, the theme of is always "don't 'ef' with Sayid!" If you haven't watched it and/or need to catch up, you can watch all the episodes for free at

And last but not least, please vote in my poll.

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