I re-read The Outlaw Demon Wails, the sixth book in Kim Harrison's The Hollows series. Lots of background and secrets are revealed in this installment. Jenks continues to be my favorite character in the whole series - who wouldn't love a smart-mouthed 4-inch tall pixie who's always cursing Tinkerbell?! Fans of the urban fantasy genre will enjoy this series.
I also read Archangel's Consort, the latest in Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series, which was a bit of a let-down; Eternity Embraced, a short story filling out Larissa Ione's Demonica series, which was as good as the rest of the series; and I read several books in Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series, which were all total crap. Don't read anything by LK Hamilton!
The only new movie I've seen since my last post is The Rite starring Anthony Hopkins. Of course, he's incredible to watch in anything he does but this movie was boring in its complete predictability. It offered nothing new that you haven't already seen before. Disappointing.