I rented Race to Witch Mountain. I'll admit it: I only rented it because to look at The Rock. You can skip this movie.
Dan Brown's new book The Lost Symbol is a fun read. I would say it's not as far-fetched as Angels & Demons or The Da Vinci Code, which I liked but I'm guessing most other people won't like this one as much. It's set in Washington, DC and focuses on the secrets and symbols of the Masons.
Last but definitely not least is The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley. I adored this book! It's a murder mystery told from the first person perspective of an 11 year old chemistry enthusiast named Flavia. The thing I loved the most about this book is the distinction between the world everyone else lives in, and Flavia's world. This book is charming and funny, and you have to put it in your to-be-read pile.