I've been busy watching movies but not busy posting them here on my blog. I'm just going to do them all at once and give just a quick review.
The Wrestler with Micky Rourke and Marissa Tomei is great but it's probably the saddest movie I've ever seen - not in a tear-jerker kind of way, but it's just flat out depressing. I would have given Micky Rourke the Oscar for this performance. You should see this one.
The International with Clive Owen is just OK. I think this film is lucky it had Clive Owen to carry the movie. There's nothing unpredictable in this one. If you have any interest you can wait for the DVD.
What Just Happened with Robert DeNiro leading an all-star cast is an indy movie that I think only Hollywood insiders would enjoy. Skip this one.
Driving Lessons is a coming of age story staring Rupert Grint as a teen who starts working for Julie Walters' free spirit aging actress to get away from his over-bearing mother played by Laura Linney. This was much better than I thought it was. Rent this one.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang starring Robert Downey Jr. was also better than I thought it would be. It's a funny, twisty murder mystery with Val Kilmer as a gay private detective. Rent this one.
Dirty Filthy Love starring Michael Sheen is about a guy who has Tourette's and OCD (!what a combo!). It's an incredible movie; very well acted. Definitely rent this one.
Heartlands is a little British movie about a dorky guy whose wife leaves him. He goes on a trip across England to track her down and win her back, but on his journey he comes into his own. I liked that when he finds her he has enough self confidence to leave her. This movie is slow so I wouldn't recommend it.
Laws of Attraction with Pierce Brosnan and Julianne Moore was better than I thought. I didn't realize this movie was in my queue but I'm glad it was because I enjoyed it. Rent this one on a rainy day.
Last and least is
The Rocker with Rainn Wilson. This was just bad. Skip it.