Sunday, July 27, 2008
I Want To Believe

Movie and Book Reviews

The book I just finished reading is Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox by Eoin Colfer. This is the sixth book in his Artemis Fowl series and I love it as much as I loved all the others. I think these books fall in the genre of young adult literature, but if JK Rowling taught us anything it's that a good book is a good book no matter what section you buy from in the book store. In this one, Artemis' mother becomes deathly ill with a disease that can only be contracted through tainted magic. Artemis has to call on his old friend, Holly Short, a fairy and officer in the Lower Elements Police (LEP) Recon division. He also calls on his new friend, No 1, a demon (but a happy and friendly one to be sure) to them back in time so he can find the cure for his mother in a now extinct lemur. But to save his mother's life he has to triumph over his most cunning adversary yet - his younger (and much more obnoxious) self. My favorite character in all of literature has an appearance - Mulch Diggums, a dwarf and thief that creates tunnels by eating the earth, then expelling the debris out the other end in rude but hilarious ways. This book is a fun ride. If you've never read one you should give it a chance.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Charlie Bartlett

Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Golden Compass

I just finished reading The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman, the first book of His Dark Materials series. (Yes, I'm quite late to this party.) The central character is an 11 year old girl, but I didn't think this book was written down to speak to children. Since I'm a fan of sci-fi/action books and movies, I was bound to like this one. Who can resist talking polar bears who kick major booty?! If you're a fan of this genre I suggest you pick up this book and give this series a try.
I'm going to read the other two Dark Materials books, but first I have to read the latest Artemis Fowl.
Also, I went to see The Dark Knight this weekend. Wow! What a GREAT movie! This is a must see. For a more in-depth review, please see my other blog http://jandkatthemovies.blogspot.com/
Thursday, July 17, 2008
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Mirror Mirror
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Water's Lovely
Reviews for 2 1/2 Movies
27 Dresses turned out to be better than I thought too. It's about a woman who's always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Then her sister comes to town and turns her life upside down, forcing her to decide to take charge of her own life. Add this to your list of chick flicks to watch.
Now for the "half" movie, Fools Gold. This was so stupid that I couldn't finish watching it. It was torture. Don't waste your time or money on this one.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Reviews for 1 1/2 Books
Before that, I was struggling through another mystery called Shattered by Dick Francis, who is clearly a stuffy, fussy old British guy. I tried to stay with it, but the writing was too tedious to keep reading. After almost a 100 pages I decided that I had enough of the background story to be able to read the conclusion, so I flipped to the back of the book to read the ending. I'm so glad I did. I saved myself a few hundred pages of reading and I still got the whole story without suffering through more of the writing than I had to.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Movie Reviews
Now for the bad movie. Sweeny Todd is s-l-o-w and boring and the music is terrible! I thought I remember that it got good reviews, but I recommend that you don't waste your time because it's two hours of your life that you'll never get back. The acting is good - no one could argue that Alan Rickman, Timothy Spall, and Helena Bonham-Carter (all Harry Potter actors, by the way) could ever do a poor job. But the almost nonexistent plot and the bad music just make this movie drag. Skip this one.